Ría de Pontevedra | Cocina Atlántica

Ría de Pontevedra

The ria de Pontevedra is the third largest of all the estuaries that there are in Galicia, with a surface area of 145 km.2 In addition, it is one of the three main sea entrances of the Rías Baixas and the area with the most tourism in the community. At the entrance to the estuary we can enjoy one of the points with the most attraction for tourists: the Ons Islands, a group of islands that form part of the National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia. The Ria de Pontevedra and the region of O Salnés have in excess of 2000 moorings distributed in a dozen ports and jetties in commercial port facilities and the conditions for sailing in the Rías Baixas facilitate these trips during almost the whole year. The activity around the marinas has also diversified with the change of the tastes of tourists who are gradually discovering the great variety of possibilities of the Galician sea. We cannot forget one of the characteristics of this estuary; the large number of mussel farming platforms that float on its waters, so tasting this mollusc is almost an obligation if you visit the area.


List of municipalities with their corresponding restaurants and recipes